Awakening Awareness

This is a time of transformation. Our inner healer has awakened. Many are experiencing emotional issues coming to the surface, I sure have, and that is because we are ready to release what does not serve us. Some of us were taught to brush difficult things away / under the carpet to maintain the status quo so giving yourself permission to think and speak about these things can be helpful. It may not always be comfortable but I always find it rewarding. I have had clients, and friends talking about the dark night of the soul and I understand! When I go dark, I go dark…but I know there is always light and that is what I walk toward again and again. God, Guides, Universe (that’s usually how address my higher power) is always ready to help.

I find myself feeling more sensitive to my own, and others, energy.  I’m not alone in this, all consciousness is raising its frequency, so attention to our energy is very helpful; it’s important to keep it clear, balanced and harmoniously interacting. All of us interact with each others energy everyday so energy mindfulness and hygene is important. Our energy intentions are powerful. They of course greatly affect us but also everyone around us so we should use them for good. I tend to think of it in a SYFY fashion, like in Star Wars, I must use The Force within and around me for good. I like to say give good energy. 

It’s like the dawn of mindfulness.  I feel an awakening, a sense of oneness with the world and that changes my thoughts and actions.  I remind myself to always think, speak and act with loving-kindness, I remind myself to feel present and not carry old stories and emotions into that presence.

I do a few things to encourage this process…. but right up front I have to say the most important thing is HONESTY about the relationships and situations in my life. If I can’t be honest I can’t see where to improve, and I need to see through illusions I may have created and these illusions take up space so seeing them and releasing them is vital. Illusions are restricting and honesty is freeing. Being free, in everyway, is better, always. It allows for expansion. Here are a few things I find useful.

1. Clearing and balancing all the chakras is very effective to heal old wounds and to see our life clearly. Do this by first using your left hand in a counter clockwise motion over them and then with your right hand make a clockwise motion over the chakras.

2. Opening your crown chakra (top of our heads) can make your internal clouds drift away and there are a few ways to do this. Visualization is always fantastic and super easy! Also a great way to clear the mental negativity and clutter is the crown pull, which has many benefits but one of them is opening your crown chakra.
3. Affirm you are open – I like “I am an open channel to the love and light of the universe” But it’s important you use words that resonate with you so whatever words feel right to you, are right.
4. Keep your 3rd eye chakra (between your eyebrows) clear. This is a great way to increase your intuition but also to have a clear perspective about live and situations.  Use the same clearing and balancing for this chakra as you did for the crown chakra. I also find it helpful to visualize windows on my 3rd eye and I imagine these windows opening and all the clutter easily blows out the leaving this chakra clear and healthy. I always take a big breath in when I do this visualization and it feels amazing.
5. Make sure all your energy systems are buzzing happily and harmoniously with each other and the world around you – you can achieve this with some Eden Energy Medicine basics like the three thumps (spleen, thymus and k27), Wayne Cook, Connecting Heaven & Earth, Crossovers, Celtic Weave and the Hook-Up and the Zip-Up. See the video links highlighted here and feel I have a 25 page booklet with pictures and how too’s that I can email you upon request.
6. Be aware of the signs. God, Guides, Universe, your higher power, is sending us messages all the time. Trust the gentle guidance that can come in any form, a passing conversation or an invitation to help a friend with a project and on that project you meet someone who perfectly complements something you need in your life. As The Fixx song says One Thing Leads To Another – so go for it! I linked the song because I like it and maybe you can dance around and have some fun with it. Fun is important!
7. Spend time in nature. Nature is so healing and forest bathing has become very popular. Also check out this research on earthing.  It is wise and if you sit quietly with it for long enough it will begin to speak with you and asking the earth to support you in feeling safe, grounded and protected enough to fully “open” can be powerful.  I talk about this in detail in my grounding post. I once had a great teaching from a tree!
8. Know how to calm your triple warmer, our flight or fight response. Change can scare our energy so to be open you have to feel calm, safe and protected. During your journey of opening learn to stay in vibration with love and radiance, not fear. Also worth mentioning is that sometimes we feel anger from old wounds, so let the easy triple warner exercise(s) above support you but one of my favourite energy medicine tools I use all the time is the blow out / expelling the venom. It not only releases anger but also clears energetic space within you.
9. Get out of your comfort zone – this shakes you up a bit, which helps us awaken. Like a refreshing splash of cold-water let yourself see with new eyes.
10. One of my favorite teachers told me to always have the eyes and mind of a beginner. #Wisdom!
11. Make sure you are laughing and having fun – joy opens and balances our energies, our radient energies .

Actions That Support Your Awakening Awareness:
1. Be a kind and loving person. Simple.
2. Mindful eating – really look at what you put into your body. You are what you eat after all! A clean and flowing physical body helps the mind stay clear – you want to be awake with all your senses and sometimes when we focus on the spiritual we forget about the physical and vice versa – remember everything is connected.
3. Mindful environments at home and work. Look around and think how can I improve my home or workspace. Changing your external landscape supports the internal. Surround your self with things you love and things that represent the energy you want in your life. I talk about this a lot in my book Color Energy.
4. Surround yourself with like-minded people – we all inspire each other! As they say your vibe attract your tribe.
5. Honestly look at your relationships to see if any are toxic and if they are cut them loose – energetically and literally if you can.
6. Meditate. It is almost a cure-all!
7. Tap into the collective energy – globally and universally. Most see those two things as the same thing and yes they are but I see it as a microcosm (our world) and macrocosm (the infinite universe, multi-verses). We are consciously connected to everything, everything is connected, everything is energy! Very often meditators will describe their state of mind of being like that – the sense of complete oneness, when everything else falls away and you are in blissful awe of the beauty that is life.
8. Be in the right vibration and use the law of attraction. Choose to awaken into love and radiance.

If You Are Not Feeling It:
1. Explore clearing your chakras – you may be holding onto an old story that is blocking your forward movement.
2. If you have had any traumas, most of us have, tune into yourself and see if you can find any part of you that has disconnected from yourself and life. You may want to see an energy healer for soul retrievals – I do this but so do many wonderful energy healers. The goal is to be truly “whole” in who you are in every way. When this happens for you it will more than likely bring your life-purpose into focus and that my friends is a real gift!
3. Explore whether you are isolated in any way. Many of us can go about life just thinking only of ourselves and what’s in our world / reality and this restricts us. We have to see our existence in its entirety – everything is connected and our ego can block us making our worldview small and that cheats us out of the wonder, awe and greatness that is “everything’. There are so many amazing things that come into our lives when we let go of ego.
4. Enjoy everything! When you enjoy life the more your health improves so the more you enjoy everything the more health and happiness you will have. It’s all about connections. We need to be fully “connected” to ourselves and have all our energies connecting so we can be the best version of ourselves. The daily energy medicine tools I link too above are a great place to start.

I fully believe everyone has a loving compassionate heart so during this time of awakening go out of your way to share your love and friendliness. Say please and thank you. Say, “Have a great day”. Smile at a stranger. Give a loved one a break if they are having a tuff time. Be kind to each other and be kind to yourself.