Clearing and Balancing Your Chakras

Strengthen and Balance Your Chakra Benefits:

  • Releases emotional toxins
  • Creates emotional balance
  • Helps you resolve the “stories” that create obstacles in your life
  • Increases overall health and happiness
  • Strengthens your entire energy field

This is really a fantastic exercise to do for yourself or for another. If you want to learn more about the chakras go for it but it’s not necessary for this exercise to be effective. We also have a video you can watch or a book you can read.

The Basic How To:
Lying face up, you are going to begin clearing the chakra with a counterclockwise motion, clearing, and then with the right hand in a clockwise motion, balancing. You are the clock and your head is twelve o’clock. Counterclockwise circles will mean your left hand starts moving left. Clockwise circles mean your right hand starts moving right.

A quickie you will make 3-4 circles counterclockwise with left hand and then using your right hand 3-4 circles clockwise. This takes only a minute to do and is easy incorporate into your daily energy tune-up.

If you want deeper results spend at least three minutes clearing and three minutes balancing. A deeper session is about 35-40 minutes, or more! You really need to use your intuition because sometimes you need to work on a chakra for 15 minutes or more – follow the energy, trust your intuition and you can’t go wrong – a long session is well worth it!!!!!

Helpful Hints:
These are not a rules just guidelines so trust your instincts. You may feel the need to spend more time over one chakra, maybe less on another. You might feel you need to shake the energy off your hands while you are doing this – just shake it off to the side, not on yourself or your partner. Hold your hands anywhere between 3 – 6 inches above the body. You want to try and make your circles at a slow calm pace and remember to breathe deeply and slowly.

Taking all this into consideration begin to clear and balance your chakras:

– The 1st or base chakra (over your pelvic area)
– The 2nd or sacral chakra (just under your belly button)
– The 3rd or solar plexus (bottom center of the ribcage)
– The 4th or heart (over the heart and breast)
– The 5th or throat chakra (over the throat)
– The 6th or third eye (between your eyebrows)
– The 7th or crown (top of the head). *** The crown chakra is the only tricky one because, if you’re a woman, you continue as you did with all the other chakras, counterclockwise and then clockwise, but if you are a man doing this to himself or if you’re doing this for a man you do the clockwise motion first and then counterclockwise.

Here is a more detailed version of how to clear and balance.

First thing to do if you are working on another is to ground and protect yourself. You can find more information about this in the blog / news: Caring For The Practitioner.

It’s best to do this lying down. If you are doing this for someone else you might want to have her lie on her stomach first. Place one hand on the base of her spine and the other at the top and gently rock her back and forth. It’s very soothing. Set the intention that you and the person you are working on will get what they need from this treatment, for the highest good of all involved.

Lying face up, take your left hand and place it a few inches above the 1st or base chakra (over the pelvic area) and move it in a counterclockwise circle – towards the right side of the body. Your left hand and counterclockwise movement draws energy out. Do this for about three minutes – this is a guideline, use your instincts for how long is needed. Shake the left hand off to the side as if shaking off any energy it’s collected and be conscious of where you shake if off. You don’t want to shake it onto yourself or another person, just into empty space.

Then move your right hand in clockwise circles, towards the left side of body, in the same place for the same amount of time and shake off energy when you’re done. The clockwise motion rebalances the energy of the chakras. Take lots of deep breaths and have the intention that you are clearing when you are going counterclockwise and the intention of balance when moving clockwise. Generally, your left hand receives energy and the right gives it.

OK, so you’ve done the 1st or base. Now move up to the 2nd or sacral chakra (just under your belly button) and do the same, then the solar plexus (bottom center of the ribcage), then the 4th or heart chakra (over the heart and breast area). The heart is a great place to incorporate figure-8s, especially for women. Next move to the 5th or throat chakra (over the throat area). Remember the throat chakra has seven chambers that extend past the actual throat area, so make sure you cover the area surrounding the throat as well. Next is the 6th or third eye (between your eyebrows) and then the 7th or crown (top of the head). The crown chakra is the only tricky one because, if you’re a woman, you continue as you did with all the other chakras, counterclockwise and then clockwise, but if you are a man doing this to himself or if you’re doing this for a man you make the clockwise motion first and then counterclockwise.

It’s a great idea to weave the chakras together after this with figure-8 motions. Begin at the base and make flowing figure-8 motions up the center of the body and off the head.

End by making figure-8 motions all around your or the persons body – above them, on the side and use your intuition as to wear your hands a drawn – as Donna Eden says “Follow the energy”.

You can make this a long session or a quickie, it’s up to you. The chakras have many layers so you may feel your hand energetically “drop” and that’s ok, it means you’ve moved to a deeper level. You may receive information in the form of a “knowing” – colors, images, smells, or maybe nothing. It’s all perfect, just go with it. If you are doing this for another, you and the other person will experience the things I just mentioned. A common thing that happens is seeing colors. If you’re working with someone it’s ok to have a dialog about what you’re feeling, but don’t have a full-on conversation because you want to stay tuned into the process.

I have done quick sessions on myself in the bath that have taken 5-10 minutes, other times 40 minutes, and the same goes for doing it for another. Let your intuition guide you. Also, after you have done the basic counterclockwise/clockwise movements, you may feel drawn to make other movements such as, figure-8s or upward circular motions as if you were pulling something out of the persons body. Just go with what feels right to you.

If you encounter an area or chakra level that is very heavy / dark / stuck and it just won’t loosen or release you might want to try Pain Pumping For The Chakras. It’s been very useful for me!

Our Chakra Oils are made with a very high vibration specifically celebrated for its correlated chakra. I place them directly on my chakra after every shower and use them as fragrant energy touch ups throughout the day. They are really effective and amazing – you can learn more about them in our product section.

Using the Chakra Oils as a Tune-Up:

Use and apply your Chakra Oils as a ritual. They are a great pressure point fragrance for anywhere but if you apply them directly onto each chakra you really help support your energy system.

This is also a great way to affirm that all your chakras are connecting which encourages a healthy flow between them that in turn adds to your overall health and happiness.

You just apply a drop onto each chakra…

The chakra oils are:
Strength – 1st or base
Sexuality – 2nd or sacral
Self-esteem – 3rd or solar plexus
Love – 4th or heart
Communication – 5th or throat
Intuition – 6th or third eye
Openness – 7th or crown