Conscious Cooking

I should start with the Eden Energy Medicine motto – Test before you Ingest, you can watch Tony and I demonstrating this on our sister site. You want to try energy test anything you ingest to make sure your body wants it at that time, but that aside for now here are some tools we both have used for a long time to increase the healthy energy of anything we eat.

The act of cooking is important unto itself. You must bring your awareness to what you are doing because you are transferring your energy into the food; make sure it’s good energy.

1. Thank your food – hold your hand over it and say thank you and/or imagine the energy of gratitude going from your hand to the food. Thank the food itself, for its life, thank all the people who interacted with the food to bring it to you and generally give it some love.

2. Do Reiki on the food – even if you are not a Reiki practitioner, intention is everything. Just imagine this beautiful purple cosmic ray of universal energy is channeling through the top of your head, out your hands and into whatever you are making. You can also move your hands over the food in a continuous motion, one hand clockwise, and the other counterclockwise.

3. Cleanse your food. If any negativity came into with your food contact (or its just that good for you) you can easily draw it out by moving your left hand counterclockwise over the food and then clockwise with the right to bring in the positive. When you are making the counter clockwise movement hold the intention that you are releasing any energy that will not serve you. As you move your right hand clockwise intend that you are bringing in positive energy.

4. Figure-8s – draw a figure-8 over your food once with the left hand. This takes out the bad energy or anything that might not be great for you. Then do the same with your right hand, which creates healthy energy. If you are eating something you know you shouldn’t be you can make a figure-8 between you and the food and this will put you in vibration with the food and your body will be able to assimilate it easier.

5. Love your food! If you give it lots of love that will raise the vibration of the food, and that’s good.

Sometimes I like to go off into a fantasy while I cook…my ideal self, in my ideal situation. It’s a great opportunity to visualize something positive happening while infusing the food with these positive thoughts.

These same principles can be applied to anything you make or anything you are doing. We do all this and more for every one of our products.