Finding Your Inner Wisdom

Our inner wisdom is the best guide we have in life. Only we know what is truly right for us or not – it’s your unique path. Our inner wisdom, or intuition, can help us with small daily decisions or with life-changing ones.
A great starting place is to ask yourself do you trust yourself for real?

1. If you have a crystal or glass pendulum you spin it in front of your 3rd eye – bet. Your eyebrows and that helps to activate intuition. This is an Eden Energy Medicine technique.

2. With your middle fingers or pointer – whichever feels right to you – put them on the top of your nose and firmly press and you slide your fingers upward through your third eye, up to the center of your forehead and then spread them apart – each finger spread and moving towards your temple – do this a few times. This is an Eden Energy Medicine technique.

3. Sit and ground yourself either by rooting your feet into the earth or imagine a cord from the bottom of your spine that extends in to the earth – which ever you choose you let your roots or cord ground to a crystal or stone in the middle of the earth – once you are dimly grounded you rub and squeeze each pinky finger from the bottom all the way up and really give it a pull as if you are opening and pulling energy out – do this a few time – this pinky rubbing begins to open your intuition and the deeper you ground the farther out you can reach into the heavens / universe to ask your questions and search for what you want to know. This is an Eden Energy Medicine Technique.

4. Almost the opposite to the above is to sit quietly – do the grounding and pinky rub but you then tune inward instead of outward and you ask yourself a question and go into a no thought space and allow the answer to come up – most of the time if you set the intent to trust what comes up and you have given yourself some time to get into a meditative state you get the right answer right away and sometimes it’s so simple it’s surprising. This is a Shakti Gawain technique from various workshops.

5. Sort of a longer way is a shamanic technique which again includes centering yourself and really knowing what you want to know – you need to be very clear with what you want to know and you then ask “patchamama” (Mother Earth / father universe) which is essentially putting your question out to nature and then it will give you an answer but it’s usually in very off hand ways – like you will pass someone having a conversation and part of it will apply to you or you will notice a sign / billboard that applies to your question – it really can come in any form – even a ray of light shining through the clouds or a bird singing just as you are thinking a specific way about what you want to know.
I did this once asking why I wasn’t getting something I wanted and on my walk to work I saw a huge billboard with my name on it and I stopped walking in shock b/c I took that walk everyday and I never had seen it and then boom the day after I asked my question it went up and I new in my gut it was the answer – it was saying I was getting in my own way.
So this shamanic technique takes some trust and being very open to everything and everyone around you – you have to be open to accepting that you are indeed being sent this message. This is a John Perkins Technique from his Shapeshifting Audio tapes. We sell these so just email us for them and you can find a detailed description of the tapes here, scroll to #4.

A note: You have to give yourself time and space with all these options – sometimes when we allow ourselves space and don’t rush to the first thing that comes to mind or try to analyze other deeper truths surface

And remember slow deep breathing with no thoughts really calms us and allows you to have a blank canvas where answers can appear:)

Your 2nd, or Sacral Chakra, is our first intuitive center in our bodies and our 6th, or 3rd eye, chakra is our main intuitive center so clearing and balancing these chakras will help clear the way for you to be your own best guide in life!