Breadth Is Life

Breath is life. It creates space inside our body, and energy needs space to flow. It keeps us alive on the physical level and it’s amazing how many illnesses, especially disorders associated with stress and anxiety, are affected by our lack of breathing. Think about it… when you’re tense or very focused, you actually hold your breadth, you hold the tension as if that will somehow help the task at hand. Truth is, irregular breathing creates more tension on physical and emotional levels. If you breathe fully you will begin to live harmoniously inside yourself and in the world. Be aware of your breath throughout the day and relax into your life.

The breath increases our connection to the present and it is in the present we find joy and healing. Most of us live in a combination of the past and the future, both of which are easy for us to conceptualize. But the present cannot be conceptualized. It can only be experienced, one breath at a time.

1. Breathe in positive energy and breathe out negativity and tension. You deeply and slowly breathe in your nose and out your mouth. When you do this you create an atmosphere within your energy system that is more receptive to a healthier flow of energy throughout your body on every level. Every cell in your body will thank you for it. You will be opening yourself to radiance.

You can recover from depression, anxiety and pain more readily because your energy will be flowing freely, you will not be holding onto feelings that hold you down or block you. Even if you only have a very short time to it will make a difference. You’ll enter a state of a higher frequency that allows you to rise above your own “stories” that you really do not serve you. Specifics are great but we don’t need them. We just need to release the energy. Release, release, release and keep it flowing. You will feel much better for it, truly.

2. Meditation is fantastic but if it’s daunting to you or just not enough time you can practice self care no matter where you are – walking around, driving, sitting in a meeting etc. just keep reminding yourself to breathe. I find that by literally saying the word helps. I can be very focused on something, and now it’s automatic, I say “breathe” very authoritatively in my mind and instantly my breadths become deeper and slower.

Try these easy meditations
More breath audio guides from CEC