Finding Deep Self-Love

Finding Deep Self-Love
A Portal To Pleiades: Mayan Journey: Part 4

Also see Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Five

Tina’s Note:
This experience was so powerful and sacred I am having a hard time capturing it on paper, it may still be processing and it’s extremely esoteric, so I will continue to work on it but I wanted to share as much of it as I could in this moment. I have broken it up into sections so you can skip parts you may not be interested in. This photo by Rick Maitri is inside the ruin while the following story was happening – pure magic!

The Story Leading Up To The Story
In Tikal, Guatemala, we were encouraged to have alone time to explore and commune with whatever our energies needed. I was walking around on my own and not a person in sight – most tourists come in the morning so the park after lunch it is practically empty, which was amazing. Mysterious feeling too because I was thinking wow I am walking though an ancient Mayan city! It was thrilling and because I was very connected to the love energy of this land (not the brutality). I was taking it all in…and then a truck full of men with machine guns pass me by. This is not unusual for this area so I wasn’t worried but when they stopped way up the road (and I use the word road loosely) I thought do I just keep going to where I know, which means I would have to pass the men with guns, or do I go off road which I was warmed to be careful of because getting lost is a real possibility. Clear choice, the road less traveled.

The path became very narrow and I heard bustling in the dense jungle I was walking through. I stopped, it stopped. I walked, it began to walk again. I stopped. It stopped. Jaguars are nocturnal so I wasn’t worried about them but there were many other exotic and possibly territorial animals. So I said out loud, hello I’m friendly! Silence from us both for a few minutes and then I heard the bustling going away from me, I guess he was just checking me out but now I wanted to see him. I did try! It was thrilling pushing back huge leaves and branches as I tried to find him. Unfortunately I never got to see my jungle friend.

A Ruin Found
When the path became too dense to follow anymore I didn’t want to get lost, which I felt I already was. I turned around and the path lead me into a different direction than I had come strangely, I couldn’t find the main road but I was loving my adventure and just went where energy guided me. I came upon a ruin with a very dark tunnel on the side of it. I wanted to go in and immediately went towards it and then I felt strongly I wasn’t supposed to go so I began to walk away and then I felt called to go in. Into the pitch-blackness of the tunnel I went. It didn’t even occur to me I could use my phone as a flashlight, crazy. The tunnel was narrow so I was brushing my hands against the walls, which were moist with moss, and walking very carefully. I could feel a change on the wall, it began to curve slightly and I saw a glimmer of light. I followed the turn and saw the exist about 20 feet ahead of me – it was beautiful and exciting – I felt like a real explorer☺

I walk in and immediately my heart jumped with joy and I gasped with delight. I looked around, sat around, did some energy moves and began to look for stones – I asked the land to give me a stone but I couldn’t find one that stood out to me so I figured it had nothing for me. The energy began to feel very intense as if it was saying time to go so I went. Some of this sounds very whoo whoo but I promise these energies were so palpable that they could not be dismissed.

The Loving Experience
Later that night we were having a sacred ceremony in a very special place they told us, an energy portal to the Pleiades constellation. When we arrived I was stunned it was the place I had found earlier. The Pleiades had called me to this place for some reason, asked me to go and now welcomed me back with all it’s love and power. The shaman (Tata) went in first blissing the “birth cannel” (the tunnel I had gone through earlier) and we then had to bow and kiss the earth humbly asking if we could enter. As I walked through again and reentered the ruin it felt different – the power had increased but it wasn’t intense, it was powerfully gentle.

I positioned myself in the middle of the grounds, right under the Pleiades constellation and the moon was lighting up the ruin, stunningly magical and mysterious. You could feel its life. I was lying on the earth looking up and feeling everything – I could feel the entirety of patchamama. I laid there on my journey staring up at the sky, at the stars and moon and I would turn my body slowly to stay aligned in the center of the portal and one of the times I moved my hand which was laying face up but somehow the earth seemed to be reaching up to give me a stone. It felt like an earth hand literally put it into my hands – what a gift, what an experience. All of the sudden this stone was in my hand and I knew it was a sacred gift from the portal. I put it on my heart center under my cloths and felt it helped deepen my connection with everything. It’s a powerful stone and I am thankful for it. I keep it with my special wakka stones / crystals next to my bed and I travel with them too. But this Pleiades portal stone still retains it’s full power – when I touch it I can feel the energy of the place running through me, feeding me, empowering me with love and earth and cosmic energies.

The earth was hugging me, I seriously felt it around me and the heavens were bathing me and I felt it showering through and in me that in itself is incredible. But, it was even more glorious when I felt true deep sold self-love light up inside me. Never have I felt love that deeply and it’s still with me – I transformed. I sat up and began to hug myself and what a feeling! I have never hugged myself that way before in the physical sense but also energetically. The land and the energy portal was wrapping me with so much love and radiance I felt connected to all the love in the world but mostly it was the love inside of me that opened wide.

I began to do the Waving Into The Chakras. This is inspired from Donna Eden’s Heaven Rushing In. I opened my arms wide, palms up and let them fill up with this magical power energy and I scooped it into each chakra – it was indescribably beautiful. And I can feel the difference in the foundation of my chakras and all my energy systems really. This energy integrated into every level of who I am physically and non-physically. It felt liberating, sacred and opening in everyway.

You Can Create This At Home
The energy of any land has it’s own unique energetic vibration and if you are a traveler you will know what I mean when I say some places just encourage your energy to transform into something deeply wonderful and lasting. That said where you live could be your radiant power source. It might be that already and if so you just have to tap into it and if not you might need to do some energy work to create it by using sage, crystals and set clear intentions all over your home and land.

You can also call for energy from a place you had an amazing spiritual experience – energy from the entire planet is ready to connect with you and be in service to you, just ask and you shall receive.

I have found it is rare to find any land that does not respond to love and gratitude. Everything is connected! Try it out – lie flat on any land near you and send it love, gratitude and tell it you are so grateful for its beauty and strength and see what happens! I have asked friends to do this in the past and they were amazed they could feel love being given to them.