Waving Into The Chakras

Waving Into The Chakras
Inspired by Eden Energy Medicines Heaving Rushing In

It’s simple and powerful! I’ve been doing this for about 3-4 years now and it makes me happy every time! The benefits are limitless bringing joy, radiance and healing into your bodies energy systems. You can also customize this for whatever energy you are needing at the time. Sometimes we need comfort, other times bravery, just know wherever you need is available through this self-care tool.

1. Basic Quickie Version. Standing, sitting or lying down extend your palms upward, arms slightly extended but not much (no more than 1 ft.) as this is really one continuous movement where you open your hands upward briefly to bring radiant energy into the palms of your hand and then with a flowing wave motion you scoop that energy into your chakra(s). You start at your base chakra moving up to the crown. You may feel the radiance in the form of heat or even a tickle, it will be different for everyone, and some may see it, I sometimes see golden balls of energy in my hands and I connect to all the joy and love in the universe and then scoop it into each chakra. Remember you can call upon any energy you need, such as happiness, confidence, relaxation etc. I usually do this process pretty quickly and because of that as I move up the chakras I am creating crossovers at the same time. It’s like lacing the Nadis, except you are scooping in universal radiance as you go. I’ll make a video one of these days. Contact me if you have questions, this is really worth having in your self-care tool bag!

2. Shamanic Version. In Tikal Guatemala we were doing a sacred ceremony at night in the middle of a ruin that was an energy portal to the Pleiades star constellation. The energy was out of this world, literally! I wanted this radiant magical energy to become apart of me. I was laying down on the grass and began to do Waving Into The Chakras but the energy and my instincts were guiding me differently. Guiding me to make true wave motions. I opened my arms stretching them outward as far as they could go, palms up but my arms pretty much stayed parallel to my body, maybe slightly higher at times. This felt right because I wanted to get the earth energies as well as the cosmic ones. My palms were up and I let it fill with the high frequency energy I was bathing in and I slowly waived it into each chakra. It was a smooth and gentle gathering of the energies surrounding me and seeding within me. I did this several times, taking the time to lay my hands on the chakra I was feeding, and sometimes I didn’t do that, I was following the energy. Sometimes once the energy was waived into one chakra, in a continuous motion I let my hands / arms crossover to open my arms once more and repeat the process. I might say it felt profound but that seems cliché because the energy was like nothing I have ever felt. It was very loving, nurturing and radiant.

Please know you don’t need to be in some sacred place like this to connect to this kind of high frequency energy, you can do it in your backyard – intention is everything! Mother earth is wise so you can ask that she connect you with certain energies and / or places anywhere in the world – everything is connected!

3. I have found doing this in different environments and times of the day can really shift what you bring in. At night you can bring in moon energy and all its femininity, its gentleness and its radiance. Do it in the middle of the day and take in the power of the sun energy, which I have found to be energizing, uplifting and joyful.

You can of course always visualize any part of this process – our minds and intentions have great power!

Hope you enjoy!