Getting What You Need

Mayan Shamanic Journeys: Part 3
Also see Part One, Part Two, Part Four, Part Five

I admit I have had a tendency in the past to worry that I will not get what I need. Whether it be from a relationship, a class, work, trip, etc. and so on. The 2nd evening of our journey my roomie and I were randomly talking about wishing we’d see jaguars on our night walk to the fire ceremony. One of our guides, Daniel Koupermann, looked deeply into my eyes, held the sides of my arms and very slowly said, and I do paraphrase a bit, “Cristina quiet your mind…It will all happen. Just let yourself enjoy the experience…and don’t think of what you want”. I got it right away and took it to heart immediately because it resonated deeply.

This may not be breaking news but it was the way he said it, meant it and the abundance of energies in the land supported the idea. This one idea of letting go of the worry of “not getting” was such a relief. It was taking up valuable space inside my mind and energy. I’ve studied Abraham and others like her / them but this felt different. It wasn’t about me being in a certain vibration to attract what I want, it was about not being in vibration with feeling I won’t get what I need. The difference in the perspectives may be slight but I find it powerful.

With this new energy I went forward in a blank sort of way. I actually had a moment of thinking wait, what, I can’t think, I can’t take anything in etc. and now I look back and I see I was allowing myself to just “be” to just “experience”, without my internal dialogue, and from that blank space incredible revelations and experiences blossomed within me. If a worry began to come up of me not getting something or saying something or being apart of something I just let it go and amazingly I received everything I wanted and more.

Big lesson for me. Amazing lesson in general – you will always get what you need once you let go of it – let all options be possibilities for you – you may just get something better than you even wished for. Decide to love and have gratitude for what you do have and are doing.

We never did see a Jaguar. And I never felt I missed a thing.