Caring For The Practitioner

Practice Good Energy

It has now become essential to know how to maintain healthy energy in yourself and to protect yourself against the energetically cluttered world we live in. All this information will be helpful whether you are a practioner, of any sort or not, because these exercises will help anyone maintain health and balance.

Energetic hygiene is incredibly crucial to everyone working with people, especially if you are practicing any hands on treatments. Learning to ground, hook and protect yourself will fundamentally change your experience and the people you work with. I hope to share with you how to optimize your energy allowing for a deeper and more fulfilling healing session for your client and for you.

I am a complementary care practioner myself and have a deep understanding of the practioner / client relationship through my own clients, the Eden Energy Medicine Community and because at Tony&Tina I have spent countless hours with make-up artists and estheticians and I know how draining and challenging the work can be.

This information is great if you practice some form of healing modality and especially helpful if you are new to this field and work with clients in any hands on experience. Most of this is based on Eden Energy Medicine which is simple, effective and easy to incorporate into any traditional spa service. My intent is to give you tools to bring a deeper, healthier, experience to your clients and a more rewarding experience for yourself.

The below suggestions are all written out in detail (if they are not yet they will be as this post will be evolving as time goes on) at the end making this a quick reference if you are already versed in these techniques. Plus you can find video and audio of many of these on our sister site – Cristinas Energy Center.

Before your client:

  1. Increase energy – the three thumps
  2. Increase intuition – forehead soothing
  3. Create a healing space (holding space and intention, aromatherapy and cross-over’s)
  4. Ground yourself
  5. Hook up
  6. Protect yourself (Celtic weave, weaving the outer aura, trace governing and central, and zip-up)
  7. Make sure your flow of energy is complete (Celtic weave, connecting heaven and earth)
  8. Project happy balanced energy (Wayne cook and intent)
  9. Hold your client in love

Watch videos here for most of the above suggestions with this link. If you have any questions for anything that has been left out email us. All the information in our posts will constantly be evolving.

After your client:

  1. Maintain energy hygiene between clients (expelling the venom, auric fluff, Celtic weave and zip-up)
  2. Disconnecting your energies after a session / treatment
  3. Pull the energy off your hands
  4. Wash your hands from the elbow down
  5. Stretching is a great way to release energy – do any stretch you feel drawn to and then connect heaven and earth
  6. If you feel like you are having a hard time letting go of energy thump your spleen lymphatic and/or flush spleen

In Your Workspace:

  1. Feng Shui your space – there are some very simple things you can do for your space such as inviting in good chi and abundance.
  2. Holding space – this sets an energetic intention for your environment.
  3. Aromatherapy – smell is the most powerful and effective sense we have. Smell is registered in the amygdala, we feel a smell before we think about it. Our sense of smell is deeply tied to our emotional state of mind casting aromatherapy as a staring role in any healing session. You want to spend the extra few dollars and have real essential oils in every treatment room. Use either a candle or a diffuser. Lavender and bergamot are especially relaxing and lift the spirits. You may want to offer your client a choice.
  4. Audiotherapy – the right music can transform your space and every session. There are specific CD’s that evoke healing and meditative states. See our CD’s. Note – when giving a facial and having to move around the room to prepare treatments be very aware of yourself. Do not make any loud abrupt sounds. Setting a soft environment keeps the client relaxed and happy.
  5. Lighting. Bad lighting can ruin a session. Soft low lighting sets the mood and invites relaxation.

Helpful hints

  1. Your clothes absorb energy so change them when you can
  2. Clear and cleanse your environment – sage your environment, use rose spray to cleanse environment, spin a pendulum counter clockwise / clockwise, singing bowl and visualization
  3. Lay flat on the ground letting the energy absorb into the earth – if you can’t get outside lay on a natural fiber or just use your intention. Let the roots of your feet sink deep into the earth to find a solid stone or tree to wrap around and allow earths strength to flow up into you.
  4. Tapping fresh cold water on the back of your neck, feet and top of head is a good quick refresher, mentally and energetically
  5. Always shower at the end of the day to really sweep all the energy off you that you collected during the day


Some helpful visualizations

Cleanse and Ground
This is a two-part visualization and you can make it as short or as long as you want. Read through it first and then get comfortable and take a few deep slow breadths.

Imagine you are comfortably lying in a shallow river and the water is rushing around your body. Feel yourself letting go of fear, grief and any obstacle that you want to get rid of. Feel the river washing it all away. It’s washing away everything you do not need or want in your life. Whether it is emotions, situations or an unhealthy connection to someone let the river take it and feel it flowing away. Feel the release in your body, the lightness you feel from being letting go and being cleansed. Sit with this as long as you need to.

Now that you have let go and released its time to renew and refill the space you have just created. Step away from the river and walk into the forest. In your minds eye find the perfect place to lie on the ground. Imagine you are a seed and plant yourself into the earth. Feel yourself rooting and grounding. See yourself sprouting from a seed into a sprout and you slowly begin to grow into a tree. Your roots grow deeper and your trunk begins to grow strong and grow branches and leaves. You are growing tall and feel the sun feeding you and the earth strengthening you. Stretch out your branches and take in from the sun, from the heavens what you want. Take in love, strength, hope and everything positive you can imagine. Really let yourself feel power you have – feel it in your mind, body and spirit. Breathe it in and sit in this energy for as long as you like. End by getting up and stretching your physical body and give yourself a big hug.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath and turn your attention inward. In your mind’s eye see the person, situation or aspect of yourself that is causing you distress…and now see beautiful shimmering white light showering down around and through this object of distress. This light is clearing away all negativity…you can see shimmering light gently flowing through and clearing away any darkness, effortlessly creating harmony and love. You have let go of all unnecessary emotions…you feel positive and cleansed…you have created a positive change within yourself. Breathe that in.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath and turn your attention inward. See your life, the people who have touched it, good or bad, and be grateful, see their faces…your family, friends, the people you work with – and send them thanks. See our planet and send it love and gratitude. Connect with the truth that we are all one…people, animals, earth, the universe…that everything is connected and you honor that…you are sending everyone and everything deep love and gratitude…and that is what is being sent right back to you. Breathe that in.