Pain Pumping

This is a very simple but powerful Eden Energy Medicine technique. You put your left hand, receiving, (unless you are left handed) and the right hand, releasing, outward with palm facing the floor or earth. Set your intent that the energy will move safely and easily through you – you want to do some basic energy protection techniques first of course, like the Celtic Weave and Zip-Up. You hold your left hand over the painful or injured area and then begin to make a pumping motion with your right hand – you are literally pumping out the pain, toxins or whatever needs to be released / healed.

Once when I was pulling toxins out of a friends legs where he had been severely bitten by bugs, we were in the jungle. I could feel the toxins moving out but then as I got deeper into the process I began to actually feel pin pricks in both my hands and there was a distinct difference in my left hand which was pulling things out – it felt as if I was being literally pin pricked inward and on the right hand which was expelling all that I felt that same prick but it was very clearly exiting my hand. Just as it’s clear which way the wind is blowing it was that clear to me what was coming in and then out.

Pain Pumping For The Chakras
You can pain pump for emotional issues as well…I would call this an Eden Energy Medicine inspired….

When you are doing chakra work and encounter an area or level that is heavy and / or stuck it is very effective to pump out the emotional blockages / stories / emotions….

You hold your receiving hand (usually the left) over the chakra making counter clockwise motions while your right hand makes the pumping motion…

I of course did some major self-care energy releasing afterwards, mostly the Blow Out and Connecting Heaven & Earth and felt great after. No residual affect except for him, he felt batter.