Daily Activities To Keep You In Vibration

To follow your path and to attract what you want in your life it all begins within you, as I’m sure you know. There are certain things we can do daily to stay in vibration with what we want, such as feeling loved, joyful, confident, inspired, healthy etc. these daily activities are joyful things so fear not – this is not meant to be a burden to your “to do” list.

If you feel any of this is a burden examine why that is – is it internal resistance? If it is take some time to ask yourself why, i.e. “If I know that stopping what I am doing for a quick stretch will make me feel great why don’t I want to do that? Where is the resistance?” Eckhart Tolle speaks about being attached to your pain body – is your pain apart of how you define yourself? Just ask yourself a few questions and see what comes up.

And I have to add “I work in a large office where I can’t do that” is not a valid excuse – I have many clients who tell me they go into the bathroom and do whatever energy exercise they need and they feel better so look at the excuses you tell yourself. We are all experts at rationalizing why we can or can’t do something – what we should or shouldn’t do; I’d actually say we are all masters of it and that’s a whole other story.

I understand it can be difficult in this crazy never stop culture we live in and you may feel you are so busy and really can’t find a moment for yourself and if this is the case perhaps you want to restructure your day slightly – just a bit. One absolute is you must find you time everyday – it can be just a few minutes but it has to happen – especially when you are trying to change your life and the vibration of who you are.

Here are some great options to put you in and keep you in the vibration you want. Do one, a few or all – the only rule is to do at least one of these things a day and I bet if you start with one you will want more.

Happy Vibrations Everyone!

Daydream. Easy to do anywhere, anytime. When we daydream which is a form of visualization you begin to actually feel what it would be like to be in that beautiful daydream and when you feel it you believe it and that puts you in vibration with it.
Meditate. People get scared away from this because so many speak about how you must do it for 20-30 minutes a day and you think no way do I have the time but I can tell you from experience that 3-5 minutes will change your day!
Breath. This really goes hand in hand with meditation but just take a few slow deep breadths and it can change your mood and day. Deep breathing is amazingly affective to our mental state!
Spend time outside. Whether in the city or country or somewhere in-between we need to let our energy and mind take a deep breadth and give you room to expand and when your outside it’s the perfect time to ground. When we are grounded it’s easier to be in vibration with our dreams because as Donna Eden says “The deeper you ground, the farther out you can go” translating that to this topic we learn deeper roots allow for bigger dreams.
Expand. Open your heart, mind and energy and connect to the cosmos’s, to your source and give gratitude. Whether you are calling it by name, there are many, or if it’s just sending out a general energy of gratitude it will change your life. Gratitude is extremely powerful for you and everyone you interact with. When you show gratitude you are immediately sent positive energy. Gratitude just feels right and offers happiness in return. Gratitude is beautiful. When you’re in this great state of mind it’s easy to stay in vibration with what you want.
Journal. Gratitude journals are very effective but it can really be any kind of positive expression you want to make – just keep it positive – stay on the sunny side of the street – ignore any thunderstorms across the street – it’s your choice to walk in the light or sun in this metaphor. But the written word has power – I would even say don’t use the computer. Write in a journal that is exclusively used for this and if you are having a bad day you can look back and smile at all the things you are grateful for. Repetition is allowed ☺
The power of ritual. This is a bit deeper but I wanted to give you the information to offer more options. We all resonate with different things.