You Are Your Own Healing Space

Close your eyes and take deep slow breadths in your nose and out your mouth. Let yourself feel as if you are floating deep down inside yourself. Create a safe, soothing landscape in your mind. Really spend time creating every part of it. Smell it, feel it, see it and let your entire being be there. You can sit, lie down or walk around – whatever feels right to you.

This is a place of complete peace. Healing energy surrounds you and it baths your entire body, every cell with health and radiance. This is a place of support and hope. No worries can enter this space. If worries come into your head let them float gently away like clouds. You are completely protected here, it is your private healing space.

Ask your helpers, guides or angles to come and shower you with healing. Just be in this space and let it bath you in love, peace and hope. Sit in this space as long as you like.

The first time you create this space take your time but you can return to it anytime and even in a public situation you can connect your energy to this place to calm and empower yourself.