Winter Solstice Blessings

Whether you are celebrating winter or summer, depending on your hemisphere, tonight is a time to honor the earth and its rhythms. For the exact time see the end of this post. I am in the winter solstice energy right now and generally speaking, this is a deeply yin time, meaning a time to rest and reflect, and a time to honor the light. There are many ways to honor the light and Mystic Mama has some great ones. Just to make sure you have all the options you can try any of these sacred rituals.

Most of you can guess I will be making a Solstice Intention Candle today but my other favorite ritual is the powerful Fire Ritual, which can be done anytime but takes on a deeper meaning tonight. Write down what you want to release (I suggest 3 things but if you have more that is fine), read it out loud as the spoken word has incredible power and then burn it in fire. If you have a fire pit or fireplace great, if not what I do is to have a bowl next to me and I burn the paper and once it’s really flaming I put it in the bowl and watch as it turns to shimmering ashes, it’s really beautiful. Then I write 3 things I want to bring into my life and repeat the burning technique above. I write them down all at once but then burn them one at a time so that I can really focus my energy on what I am releasing and what I am calling into my life. I then take the ashes outside, or open a window, and let the wind take the ashes back to mother earth. It’s a beautiful ceremony, especially with friends!

If you are doing this with loved ones I suggest sitting in a circle and allowing everyone to read the first thing they want to release and then the next person goes. The circle continues onto the 2nd, and then the 3rd thing each wants to release. Then move onto what you want to bring into your life the same way as the releasing – one at a time within this sacred circle you have created.

Please note that the solstice happens for everyone on earth at the same time and that time can vary from year to year. This great site will calculate the exact time for all solstices, but that said I believe the solstice energy is here now and will be with us for the next 24 hours.