The Golden Star

This visualization puts you in harmony with the earth and heavens allowing for a broader sense of connection to your higher self. Don’t get caught up in the exact shapes I am describing – you can’t do this wrong. Let your own intuition guide you and intention is everything.

With eyes closed and breathing slowly and deeply imagine a 5 pointed star lying over your entire body. See a golden light begin to glow on the lower right side of your body, then see the golden light traveling up to the center of your body, then down to the lower left side of your body and then up to the middle of your right side, then see the golden light traveling straight over to the middle of your left side and then the golden light travels back to your lower right side creating a golden star over you. Now see this golden light begin to swirl in a clockwise circle within and around your body. Breath in this golden light and let it seep into every cell and part of your energy field.

You can create this golden star anywhere in your body – on a specific organ, on your entire physical body and you can even visualize this star larger than your physical body and let it encompasses your entire being and beyond. Whichever way you decide to visualize this you can also see the golden star gently floating down into the core of your being. It’s extremely healing and balancing. Enjoy!