Summer Recipes

Here a just a few summer favorites

First Practice Conscious cooking
The act of cooking is important unto itself. You must bring your awareness to what you are doing because you are transferring your energy into the food; make sure it’s good energy.
1. Thank your food – hold your hand over it and say thank you and/or imagine the energy of gratitude going from your hand to the food.
2. Do Reiki on the food – even if you are not a Reiki practitioner, intention is everything. Move your hands over the food in a continuous motion, one hand clockwise, and the other counterclockwise.
3. Figure-8s – draw a figure-8 over your food a few times with the left hand. This takes out any bad energy. Then do the same with your right hand, which adds positive healing energy.
4. You can also clear and balance your food by moving your left in a counter-clockwise motions = clearing. Then using your right hand circle clockwise = balancing. I say do it all – after all you are putting this in your body so make it energetically healthy as well as nutritionally.

Sometimes I like to go off into a fantasy while I cook…my ideal self, in my ideal situation. It’s a great opportunity to visualize something positive happening while infusing the food with these positive thoughts.

Morning Smoothie
1 cup of organic pear juice
1 cup of organic blueberries
1 banana – and scrap the rind off the inner skin because that part has many antioxidants
1 tsp. maca powder
1 tbsp. of golden fax seeds
Dash of nutritional yeast
2 tbsp. of protein power and/ or greens (I love the Boku Superfood)
4 almonds and/or brazilin nuts
Add a few cubes of ice, blend and enjoy!

Egg Extravaganza
3 organic egg whites or use one whole egg and 2 just whites or all whole eggs – it really depends on your dietary goals.
1 oz. of organic mozzarella cheese
Some chopped organic spinach – I actually just tear it with my hands to make little pieces.
Dash of cayenne
Pepper, to taste
Himalayan or sea salt to taste
1 tbsp. parsley flakes
Splash of milk – option but I have found it makes eggs fluffier
Olive oil spray

Wisk eggs and spices together in a bowl. Spritz olive oil spray onto pan and add eggs over medium heat. Scramble them or make them omelet style, whatever you prefer.

Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich
I love this – it’s so simple and easy, healthy and light for summer
2 slices whole grain toast
4-5 lettuce leaves (I like the organic red leaf) or spinach. I actually use both.
4 organic tomato slices
2 tsp. Spectrum Roasted Garlic Mayonnaise. (Its vegan) or mustard if you prefer that
1 slice of cheese – optional
Extras: Add a hint of flax seed oil to the mayo; add sprouts, garlic powder and red onion for a zestier sandwich.

Avocado Salad
Box or bag or organic spinach
¼th or ½ chopped red onion
2-3 avocados cut up
Sunflower seeds – a handful should do.
A bit of black sesame seed – less that a teaspoon.
A bit of organic blue cheese crumble up – you can buy it that way
Dressing – make in a separate bowl – cold pressed olive oil – lightly, white oak aged champagne vinegar (I like Napa Valley naturals) and a slight squeeze of lemon. Salt and pepper to taste.
Don’t overdo it on the dressing – put it on lightly and leave some on the side for anyone who would like more.
Mix it all together and enjoy!

Quinoa Magic
2 cups quinoa
3 cups water
1-cup veggie stock
2 chopped bunches of scallion
8 cloves garlic, finely chopped
8-10 finely chopped mushrooms
1-cup parsley (tear it, don’t chop, and add at the last moment)
3 oz. shredded organic cheese (your favorite)
½ cup organic parmesan cheese, grated
Cayenne pepper, shaken liberally
4 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
Himalayan or Celtic sea salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste
Eden Sesame and Sea Shake, to taste
3 cups water
1-cup organic veggie stock

Wash the quinoa for at least a minute to get the husk off. Then boil the quinoa in water and veggie stock, stir only once, cover and simmer for about 15 minutes. Check it – you want it dry and fluffy.
Then take all your chopped veggies and put them in a big frying pan with the oil and spices already in, sauté until veggies look done but not overdone. Once quinoa is done simply put it into the pan and mix altogether. Add the cheese and parsley last. I usually do all my chopping while the quinoa is cooking to cut down on time.

Serve at room temperature or even mix into a salad.

Watermelon Soup
As much fresh watermelon as you need depending on how many you need to serve.
A bit of chopped mint
A bit of honey
A very small amount to lemon
This recipe can be very free form – add ginger or any other spices you like
Taste after adding every ingredient so that it’s perfect to your pallet

Begin by blending your watermelon into a puree and then add the other ingredients to your taste. It’s a crowd pleaser!