Quickie Energy Balance

THE QUICKIE energy balance 

Adapted from Eden Energy Medicine

  1. Have partner lying face down
  2. Take a deep breadth, with your hands on their back – one hand top of back, other sacral area (at base of spine) and feel yourself ground to the earth and connect with the personas energy. Invite loving presence into the field of energy the two of you are creating and hold the person in love
  3. Sacral rock – one hand on sacral area, other on top of spine and rock back and forth for a few minutes.
  4. Spinal flush – remember to be about an inch away from the spine and you can do this laying down or for a quick mood shifter do the “up against the wall” – do it twice and sweep energy off body after.
  5. Shorter sacral rock
  6. Back hook up – place hand on bottom of spine and other hand on the dip in between the humps on the back of the persons head – hold this for a few minutes or until the person takes a deep breathe or sigh or yawn.
  7. Belt flow – drag your hands from the side of their body across to the other side of spine and do this a few times and then the final swipe is from one side of the body 9hip area) across back and down opposite side of body, down the leg and off the feet. Repeat on other side.
  8. With hand touching the body figure-8 the top and lower back, a bit off center to the side plus the top of shoulders and back of head, on humps of head
  9. Sweep energy off of arms and body
  10. Have partner turn to lay on back
  11. Massage k-27 and entire upper chest – this should be a very firm massage of this area. From under the collarbone and out to the armpits / seam between arm and chest.
  12. Hook-up – one finger in belly button, middle finger and other middle finger on third eye and gently pull upward. Wait for the person to take a deep breathe, sig or yawn and that’s when you know they have hooked up
  13. Belt flow – same as what you did on back but on front – remember always sweep from one side of body, across belt area and down opposite side of body, down the leg and off the feet.
  14. Massage back of head and slight head pull – head pull optional, holding the back and front of the head at the same time is fine.
  15. Massage head and hair gently
  16. Sweep energy off arms and body
  17. Make figure-8s all over body, side and front
  18. Make counter clockwise circles under feet – a few feet away. You can also massage the feet a bit making sure you get the heel, sides of feet and between the toes and pull energy off toes
  19. Knee to calf downward sweep and off feet
  20. Squeeze sides of feet a few time and slide fingers up each toe, like your pulling the energy off and out
  21. K1 wave – place fingers, I use two, right under the big toe but under the hump of the upper foot and slowly make a wave motion upward. Do this for a few minutes.

Obviously you can take a longer or shorter time doing all this depending on how much time you have and you can also just pick the parts you feel you really need if you don’t have allot of time but the whole thing is super balancing and restorative to your entire energy system – enjoy!