Night of Beauty & Relaxation

It’s important to set aside a night of beauty each week. Let this be your time to nourish and pamper yourself, you absolutely deserve that. Take at least one or two hours to cleanse, steam, deep clean, replenish and moisturize yourself from head to toe. Set the intention this will be a relaxing night of releasing all negativity and blocks that get in the way of your most radiant self. Dream about the ideal you. Create a new reality, Law of Attraction. It’s good for your body, soul and mind.

One basic: Please, please everyone wash your face morning and night no matter how tired you are. It really makes a significant difference in how you look and age; and in how you feel. You can affirm you are washing away your worries, or hurt, or angry, or whatever you want to wash out of your energy field. It’s a great opportunity you get twice a day to make a positive affirmation!

Environment is everything!
Set the stage for your night! Make sure you have some great lighting, meaning dim lights and candles. Relaxation CDs, and of course some healthy snacks and lemon water…

This is pure luxury, seriously! Our Facial Steam is pretty heavenly if I do say so myself. If you don’t have the right herbs or oils it’s fine; you can buy herbs that are specifically meant for steaming at your local health food store. Just boil some water and pour it into a large bowl and let it simmer down. (Please use common sense, don’t scald your face.) With a large towel, cover your head as you hold your head over the bowl, about 6 to 8 inches above the steaming water. Steam your face for about 10 minutes. It will really open the pores and brighten your complexion. Breath deeply if you can. I like to intend I am breathing in earth’s purity and breathing out toxins, physical and emotional.

Immediately after steaming, while your pores are still open, apply a mud or clay mask (a mixture of both is best) to your entire face and neck. Make sure the mask is as pure as possible, meaning you don’t need fancy fragrances in it. I’m playing with a new T&T formulation now and will keep you updated on that. Until then, Ahave Dead Sea Mask is a good one and you can probably find an all-natural mud mask at your local health food store. Follow the instructions. But in case they don’t mention it – don’t let it completely dry, meaning look crackly on your face, that can really dry you out. One more insiders tip: Using a wet washcloth scrub the mud off in circular motions to exfoliate and wash away the toxins that the mask brought to the surface. Scrub with gentle to medium pressure – never hard! And, of course be mindful of your eyes, you don’t want to get any in there so I always wash the area off first.

Apply a moisturizing mask (again, your local health food store should have one) and I’m playing with a few formulations but they will be bespoke only probably. You can make your own! Readers Digest has some easy suggestions as does Livestrong.

Bath time!
I take bathing very seriously so this will be the longest section, ha ☺ First of all fill the tub to the top, you want to be submerged up to your shoulders. We have an amazing formulation but have hit some hiccups that we are working out but until then it’s easy to do it yourself! Our bathing formulation is stress relieving, toxin-extracting blend of Epson Salt, Himalayan salt crystals, and Baking Soda. Epsom Salt to release energy blockages, extract toxins and ease any sore tired muscles. It also helps rid your body of radiation, great to use after a plane ride. Himalayan Rock Salt to energetically ground you and to soften the skin. Finally baking soda to extract toxins and cleanse and strengthen your auric field. This is a very healing combination – A Healing Trifecta.

Add some aromatherapy
Try our single note oils, chakra oils, or whatever else you like or have on hand, but try and make it as pure as possible. Smell is the most powerful sense we have and therefore truly shifts our mood / energy.

Add some audio therapy to create a calm & mood
Have music on as the backdrop to your beautiful dreams and harmonious environment. We have some nice CD’s and this article on sound therapy is very interesting.

Add some colortherapy
Bed, Bath and Beyond sell these amazing inexpensive under water lights, AquaLuxe, that change through the spectrum of the rainbow gently feeding your body some color energy and also creates a soothing ethereal atmosphere if you turn all other lights out. I also have one in my bedroom too and it’s very relaxing to lie in bed watching the colors transform, a nice way to gently fall into a happy dreamland.

Have a great daydream
See yourself happy, beautiful and loved. Imagine your in your ideal situation…really get into it, to the point where you know what you are wearing ☺ What we think we create, law of attraction, so be in vibration with positively wonderful fantastic beautiful things.

Self-Care time
While bathing it is the perfect time to do some self-care. I always hold my neurovasculars (holding head gently) and do lots of deep breathing.

Get your sleep!
Get into bed early and get good night’s sleep. Maybe do a meditation or visualization for radiant beauty before bedtime. Remember that whatever you go to sleep thinking about is what you will energetically keep with you all night, so even if it was a bad day, or night, think positive thoughts before bed; visualize yourself or your situation, as you want it, not what it necessarily is. Really see it, believe it and totally get into the positive thoughts / stories you create.
If you don’t believe me believe about the benefits of sleep believe Harvard and this one from WebMD

For people who think pampering only isn’t enough (Whaaaaat?) Here are some Night of Beauty Add-On’s

1. Meditation can and will change your life, if you so choose ☺
This can take only three minutes if you want it too. Any amount of time given to mindful breathing creates relaxation and many other benefits.

2. A few yoga moves never hurt anyone
Just enough to release and expand your energy, not to have a workout! Here is a nice bedtime yoga video.

3. Stretching – release some energy & create some space
Here are some gentle ones from our sister site, Cristina’s Energy Center – and this stretching video is so calming and gentle – very basic & only upper body but still – all openings are great openings!

Enjoy Your Night!!!!!