Natural Immune Boosters

Awaken your own Inner Physician through Self-Care. Here are some easy ways to increase your immune system.

  1. Thymus Thump. In the middle of your sternum or right above and between your nipples. It’s the hard spot on your chest. Thump this very hard. (You can even do a King Kong move, hitting your chest as he would – and if you feel like adding sound effects, go for it, this is meant to be fun, too.) This is will increase your immune system and decrease stress. When we are low on energy and/or stressed out our thymus gland shrinks and thumping it will stimulate it, giving you more strength and vitality.
  2. Spleen. If you are already sick do the Thymus Thump and add in the Spleen Thump. This thump begins three or four inches under your armpit and continues along your bra-line to under the nipples. This area is bound to be very sore because many toxins build up here. You are stimulating your spleen, which is responsible for processing everything, the food you eat and the medications you take as well as your emotions. It keeps things moving so if you are not feeling well, in any capacity, the Spleen will help it process. Once you start doing this every day the pain will significantly subside because you will have gotten the toxins and energy moving and flowing out of you.
  3. Some natural immune boosters are: Yogurt, oats, barley, garlic, ginger, food with omega-3’s, fruits with vitamin C, chicken soup, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, elderberry, food with zinc, watermelon, cabbage, almonds and wheat germ. Blue/Green Algae is a super supplement that saves me everyday! I use and trust E3Live and can get you a friends and family discount upon request.
    Orange juice and Ginger. Freshly squeezed Orange and Ginger – heavy on the ginger – will knock a cold right out of you. It does for me.
  4. Mind over matter. Try this Visualization:

Radiant Health
Close your eyes, take a deep breath slowly in your nose and out your mouth. Turn your attention inward. In your mind’s eye see that your feet are deeply rooted to the center of the earth and its life force and purity fills your body with strength, balance and vitality. Now, opening the crown of your head, healing energy is flowing in and gently washing through your body. It washes through you, cleansing you… it is awakening your inner physician and your body becomes abundant with healing energy… every part of you is transforming into perfect health… every cell in your body is vibrant and healthy… you are in perfect health. Breathe that in.