Lymphatic Massage

Lymphatic massage Benefits:

  • Gets the Lymph system going, it doesn’t have its own pump so it needs to be massaged, thumped and/or activated through exercise
  • Clears toxins
  • Balances the organ associated with the lymphatic reflex point

In Eden Energy Medicine the lymphatic system are points on our body that stimulate the removal of toxins in our bodies. The lymphatic system does not have it’s own pump, so to say, so we have to make sure this system does not become clogged. You know when a lymphatic point is clogged when you feel soreness in that area. Once identified you want to massage or tap the point with a very hard touch in order to bring movement to that area. These points are related to and affect the meridians they are associated with it.

The main areas you want to massage, deeply, are the entire area surrounding the breast, around the ribs and all sides of the thigh area. Don’t worry about finding the exact spot, wherever it is tender is the area you need it. If you are new to this don’t over-do it and if you feel nauseous know that is because you have released toxins and stop for the time being. Drink lots of water after doing this.

If you have a friend or loved one willing you can have them massage deeply on either side of the spine. From neck down to the bottom of the spine / top of your bum. Just remember to not press directly on the spine.