How To Use A Pendulum

Using pendulums
A pendulum is typically a pointed crystal that hangs on a chain from which it sways in various directions depending on the purpose it is being used for.

This can be a forced movement, lets say if you needed a clockwise/counterclockwise movement for the purpose of clearing chakras. It could also move through the use of subtle energy to help you find answers to your questions. With practice the use of a pendulum will become second nature and an invaluable energy tool. See the shop, pendulums.

Finding your yes and no 
If you have questions about anything such as relationships or what to order from a menu you can rely on your pendulum to help guide your actions. Hold the pendulum in one hand so that it hangs at least four inches from your hand. Keeping it still, ask it “what is my yes?” this can be done in your head or out loud. I usually say it once out load and then keep your intent on the question. The pendulum will begin to swing back and forth, side-to-side, clockwise or counter-clockwise – each pendulum has its own energy and that energy interacts with yours, so the movements may vary. Once you get a distinct “yes” movement you find your “no” by repeating the process and asking, “what is my no?”

Clearing and balancing 
You can use the pendulum to clear and balance your environment or any part of your body (especially over the chakras). You clear first by moving the pendulum counter-clockwise and then balance by spinning it clockwise. You can also spin any, but specifically the cut glass round ones, in from to your chakras and at the beginning and end of your meridians. Most of the time the pendulum will know what direction is needed and for how long. Take deep breaths and let the process happen.

General clearing
You can spin the pendulum back and forth under your feet, around your toes, fingers and hands, under your arms, under your eyes, over your third eye, at the temples, at the base of the spine and over the pubic bone. These are the main meridian end points and by spinning the crystal over them, you clear any blockages and make sure your energy freely flows in and out.