Healing Bath

I take bathing very seriously; it’s seriously deep Self-Care and a Self-Soothing activity that will activate your pathways of joy…your Radiant Circuits. It’s an important part of a Positive Energy Home Lifestyle.

Fill the tub to the top; you want to be submerged up to your neck area, even if you have to have your feet popping out the other side. We have an amazing formulation but have hit some hiccups that we are working out but until then it’s easy to do it yourself! My bathing formulation is stress relieving, toxin-extracting blend of Epson Salt, Himalayan salt crystals, and Baking Soda. Epsom Salt to release energy blockages, extract toxins and ease sore tired muscles. It’s also great to use after a plane ride because helps rid your body of radiation. Himalayan Rock Salt to energetically ground you and to soften the skin. Finally baking soda to extract toxins and cleanse and strengthen and heal your auric field. This is a very healing combination – A Energy Healing Trifecta.

Add Aromatherapy
Any essential oil you like / have is perfect but try and make it as pure as possible; because I tend to need the support that lavender and bergamot offer I pour in some of my Healthy Aura Spray. You can also try my single note oils and / or chakra oils. Smell is the most powerful sense we have and therefore it truly shifts our mood and energy.

Add Colortherapy
Bed, Bath and Beyond sell these amazing inexpensive under water lights, AquaLuxe, that change through the spectrum of the rainbow gently feeding your body some color energy and also creates a soothing ethereal atmosphere if you turn all other lights out. I also have one in my bedroom too and it’s very relaxing to lie in bed watching the colors transform, a nice way to gently fall into a happy dreamland.

Add Soundtherapy To Create A Calm Mood
Have music on as the backdrop to your beautiful dreams and harmonious environment. I have some nice CD’s and this article on soundtherapy is very interesting.

Have A Great Daydream
See yourself happy, beautiful and loved. Imagine your in your ideal situation…really get into it, to the point where you know what you are wearing. What we think we create, Law Of Attraction, so be in vibration with positively wonderful fantastic beautiful things.