Finding answers through your internal intelligence

Sit quietly on the floor cross-legged with a straight back. It is important for the spine to be straight because this is where much of our energy flows through our body. If you cannot sit comfortably in this position lie flat on the floor.

Breathe slowly in and out through your nose. Being noisy when breathing out is ok, go with it. Sit with the intention of asking your internal wisdom what you need to know. With every breath in you are taking in relaxation and with every breath out the tension is leaving your body. Breathe in slowly on a count of four… now hold… now out on the count of four… breath in relaxation… breathe out all the tension and negativity… you’re letting go of all your tension and breathing in joy and relaxation.

Breathe in silence for a few minutes then go deeper into a relaxed state where you can connect with your higher self and any inner feelings you may have repressed or ignored. Ask your higher self for help in reaching these inner feelings… it is safe to explore whatever feelings come up about a person, issue, emotion or memory… you’re going deeper inside yourself… with every breath you enter into a deeper state of relaxation… you are connected with your higher self… you are safe to explore hidden emotions… you are not judging your emotions, you are just looking at them… let yourself feel love for yourself… you are open to your internal wisdom, now ask it what you want to know… deep breaths in… and out… you are effortlessly understanding the messages your higher self wants you to know.

This information can come in any form -words, thoughts, a feeling… deeply inhale that truth and exhale any anxiety that may be attached to it… breathing in… and out… slowly coming back into an awakened consciousness… you feel refreshed, relaxed and open to exploring whatever issues, questions or answers that have come up. Sit quietly and reflect upon your experience. You may want to write it down. If this were a group mediation, it would be a nice idea to sit in a circle afterward and let everyone have their own uninterrupted time to share. You may have to go a couple of rounds, because it does take some warming-up before people feel comfortable to really open up. Make sure you have tissues and water close by.