Energy Testing

Energy Testing Your Food primarily for testing anything you ingest into your body.

Please see a certified practioner to test vitamins and/or medications. Always consult your doctor when making any changes that will affect any illness you may have.

With a Partner: The Spleen Test
Have your partner stand with either arm at his or her side, fingers should
be pointing straight down, thumbs should touch the thigh. Gently place
one of your hands on the shoulder of the arm being tested (very gently
so it doesn’t interfere with the test) and place your other hand just above
your partner’s wrist and ask them to meet your resistance as you gently
pull their arm outward and toward you. See what the tension is like. Let
this amount of tension be your standard. Then have them hold the food
you want to test in the unextended hand. Holding the food being tested
over the stomach area is important when testing foods and/or medication. Now with one of your hands gently on the shoulder of the arm being tested and the other just above the inner wrist, ask them to resist and see what happens. If the arm is weaker than the standard – easier to pull away from the body – it means the substance isn’t good. It’s important to remember that our bodies are constantly changing, so something that is bad for you today may be ok tomorrow and that’s why knowing how to energy test is so important. You want to keep a constant and open dialog with your body.

Self-testing: Be a Human Pendulum
Hold the food you want to test in one hand, and place your other hand over it. Rest your hands over the solar plexus. Your elbows should be held against your sides, as if they were hugging your sides. Feet together, you are taking the pendulum pose. Close your eyes, take a deep inhale and empty your mind. Hold your inhale for a few seconds and on the exhale see if you naturally fall forward or back. Forward good, back bad. Or, do a test first by asking yourself, “what is my yes?” and “what is my no?” and see which way you fall for each. We are all different, so see what is right for you.

The Knee Test / Small IntestineTest
Try this if you’re out to dinner and want to know what is good for you to eat. Hold your hand over your food or tune into your body and hold your left finger over the item on the menu you want. Then hold your right leg
6 to 12 inches off the floor, slightly forward so you can see your toes if looking down. push down on the top of your thigh. Remember this isn’t about strength and making your leg go down, you’re testing to see the level of tension cre-ated. If you’re new to this, do the resistance test first without holding your hand or finger over the menu item you are testing
so that you have a standard to compare it to. I do it all the time and it really works. I’ll put my finger over, let’s say, fried mozzarella sticks and my knee will easily push down and then I’ll hold my finger over another menu option like a garden salad and my knee will hold strong. I often let my body guide what I order in restaurants and it’s discreet, nobody will know what you are doing.page21image16261456page21image16261872page21image16262080page21image16262288