Colortherapy & Aromatherapy & Crystals: A Quick Guide

Red Colortherapy: Focus on this chakra when you need to feel grounded. When you want your charisma shine and when you want to connect with your tribe / family / to everything. If you feel “pent-up” work on this and the Crown chakra at the same time
Aromatherapy: Cedarwood, Jasmine, Benzoin, Sage, Camphor (white),
Myrrh, Rose, Thyme (red)
Crystal: Bloodstone is centering and grounding. It helps to give you a sense of security and has been called the stone of courage. It balances the body and relieves the anxiety of change in such a way that you accept change and turmoil with ease. It helps you to be present and to revitalize your state of mind and your relationships.

Orange Cothertherapy: Focus on this chakra to bring more joy and creativity into your life, and to find inspiration. This is where we get out “gut” feelings so it’s always a great one to support. It’s also helpful in creating a healthy balance of power in any relationship.
Aromatherapy: Bergamot, Pine, Mandarin, Marigold, Neroli, Orange, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Cardamom, Benzoin, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, ylang ylang, geranium, jasmine, patchouli
Crystal: Carnelian is orange in color and it helps to stimulate joy, creativity, compassion and love. It will clear negativity from other stones, which makes to idea for use in conjunction with other stones.

Yellow Colortherapy: Focus on this chakra to increase your self-esteem and sense of self-worth. It is where our inner child tends to live. It also greatly supports mental clarity and intellectual thought.
Aromatherapy: Bergamot, Birch, Cardamom, Citronella, Cumin, Lemon, Lemongrass, Marigold, Grapefruit, Vetiver, Cinnamon, Camphor (yellow), Angelica, Cedarwood, Carrot Seed, Tea-Tree, Petitgrain, Tangerine.
Crystal Citrine is considered the money stone. It helps to attract wealth and maintain it. It enhances creativity, optimism in the face of conflict and aids in decision-making. Hold this stone when you are making important decisions and keep it in your pocket when in business meetings or having any difficult conversation.

Green & Pink Colortherapy: Focus on this chakra when you need to heal any kind of wound. This chakra supports us giving and receiving love. It is where we find our compassion. Sometimes we have to work with other chakras to really get the heart feeling good, the base and solar plexus are great for this!
Aromatherapy: Eucalyptus, Geranium, Silver Fir, Lime, Linden Blossom, Peppermint, Petitgrain, Star Anise, spruce, pine, lilac, Verbena, Rosewood, Palmarosa, Melissa, Bergamot, Marigold & Violet.
Crystal: Rose quartz is the stone of love energy. It helps to clear negativity, allowing you to love yourself and accept love from others. Its love is gentle and has a calming effect on you and your environment. Try bathing with it and sleeping with it under your pillow and bathe in its loving life-force.

Blue Colortherapy: Focus on this chakra for healthy and clear communication. Just remember communication goes both ways. It also encourages confidence, will power and a sense of comfort.
Aromatherapy: German Chamomile, Roman Chamomile, Myrtle, Marjoram, Cypress, Pine, Eucalyptus (some varieties), jasmine, myrrh, tuberose, ylang ylang
Crystal: Aquamarine aids communication and reason. It encourages you react/respond quickly and it stimulates your intellect. It promotes self-awareness and helps you to be compassionate and non-judgmental.

Purple or Violet Colortherapy: This chakra will broaden your perspective and worldview, allowing you to see the larger picture. It also is our main intuitive center. Working with this one and the sacral chakra together is powerful.
Aromatherapy: Juniper, Lavender, Frankincense, Sage (Spanish), Violet, Peppermint, Birch, Patchouli, Sandalwood, clary sage.
Crystal: Amethyst balances your energy and helps connect you to earth and cosmic energy. It transmutes negativity into more positive energy and protects you from psychic attacks. It aids meditation and helps open your third eye.

White Colortherapy: This chakra connects us to our source. It opens us to spirit and to a sense of oneness with all that is. It is also a great chakra to focus on if you feel “pent-up” and working with the base chakra at the same time is powerful. The Base and Crown are where most of our energies flow in and out and by keeping them open you avoid holding on to things or feelings of disconnection.
Aromatherapy: Carnation, Narcissus, Gardenia, Angelica, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, and Clary Sage.
Crystal: Clear quartz is an amazing all-purpose crystal and can be used in any way you need it to serve you. There are so many different kinds of crystals that have specific therapeutic qualities but you can’t go wrong with basic quartz.