Calming Your Fight, Flight or Freeze Response

In todays world our primal survival energy system has many triggers, which if an “alert” state for too long can cause havoc to your well-being. Our energies have not evolved as fast as our culture so we have to help it adapt, which greatly enhances our well-being, health and happiness. Sometimes being able to step back, take a breadth and calm down is the answer to most disagreements. Calming triple warmer will help you accomplish this. Important Side Note: Strengthening spleen will greatly help you adept to your world and to everything you feel and ingest. These are fantastic Eden Energy Medicine techniques.

Triple Warmer Soothers
Benefits: This is our fight or flight response system. Sedating it will reduce stress and anxiety. It perceives anything foreign as an invader it must fight against, for which it uses energy from other “non-essential” energy systems. It’s important to reprogram our Triple Warmer to not respond to certain things like chemicals, fear and even watching a violent TV show. It’s deeply related to the strength of your spleen. Triple Warmer can become overactive if you are under too much pressure so sedating it is very important. The benefits to keeping it balanced are far beyond what I have here…as always my posts are evolutions.

The TW Smoothie
Place the palms of your hands on your temples and take a deep breath. Then, move both hands, palms down, around the ears, down the sides of your neck, onto your shoulders and hold. Take another deep breath, dig your fingers into your shoulders, drag across your shoulders and shake it off. Repeat three times. Do this whenever you feel stress or fear.

Trace TW meridian backwards
With your right palm, trace from your left temple, around your ear, down your neck, a slight dip below the shoulder and follow top of your arm towards and off your ring finger. Repeat with left hand on right side.

You can try my relaxation Self-care Moment which uses Neurovasculars and Breadth to calm our stress.

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