Breaking Habits

I have been observing my negative habit patterns, a continuous experiment of how easily I into fall into the negative or easier way of doing things. Maybe I should say what feels more comfortable.

I have noticed when I end up in an unhealthy habit pattern I feel like have been temporarily blinded. Like a switch just turns off in my head and I can’t see this isn’t what I want or how I want to be. I usually “come to” pretty quickly but I’m then in it. It might be difficult to resist the habit but it’s for sure harder to get out of once you are in it. I usually have the added bonus of feeling badly about it and that I try to shrug off immediately. Guilt is pointless, I just have to pick myself up and know that within seconds it can all change.

These repetitive thoughts, actions and emotions create deep energetic patterns. Like roads within us that we default to instead of finding a different route. Of course there are many positive habit patterns, what we strive to have more of in our lives. The negative ones can get you down but that doesn’t have to turn into its own story.

It can be simple to begin changing a pattern you don’t like. If you are in a bad place because of a habit do something impulsive and positive. For me I find silliness works, like privately having a quick dance with myself – some sort of release that shakes me up taking me out of my current state of mind. Sometimes words can be helpful. In a recent situation that could have been stressful I repeated to myself “happy place” referring to a happy place I created in my head. A place to mentally go so that I’m not drawn into the habit of a situation I don’t want to be apart of.

Other Tools to Help Break a Pattern:

  1. Intention Is Everything. I keep an intention stone / crystal in my pocket and hold it when I feel myself being drawn into an unwanted pattern. Our Chakra Stones are perfect for intention stones and you can find out how to program them in the Crystal self-care section.
  2. Work It Out. If thoughts and stones don’t work for you try the physical. Stretch and/or walk it out. Habits can get stuck in our muscles, not just physically but on an emotional level too, so movement can quickly offer your energy an opportunity to break out of a pattern. Our energy will always take any opportunity to feel better – our bodies are extremely intelligent, thank goodness.
  3. Drink Water. Simple but helpful in many ways. Water helps the flow of energy in our bodies and when we have a clear flow of energy its easier to have a wider perspective and to tap into that radiant flow and allow healthier patterns to take root. We’re watering the seeds of our intentions.
  4. Breathe. Taking a moment to breathe gives you a timeout of sorts allowing you to step back from yourself for a moment and in that moment a space of stillness is created. In that space you can invite a positive pattern in. We’ve got some good breathing exercises on our sister site, Cristina’s Energy Center.

Just remember nothing is permanent and everything can change in a moment.