Beauty & Your Energy

Feeling and looking good doesn’t have to be complicated. By empowering yourself with self-care and grounding yourself in natural beauty you’ll have powerful tools to create the life, and look, you want. 

Make A Commitment, To Yourself.
During a Shakti Gawain workshop on finding your intuition I had a profound realization. She led us through a meditation to bring our awareness inside and ask ourselves what it is we need to know. Clearly and immediately this inner voice said, “Support your daily journey.” I thought and still think, wow, it’s simple, it’s brilliant but I certainly wasn’t doing that at the time. Now I do, or most of the time I do and it’s really changed my life for the better.

Thanks to quantum physics we have documentation that we, and all that exists, are interconnected.  This means we have a choice of how we live. We all have really busy lives but it doesn’t take much. Truly thirty seconds can change your life because absolutely everything counts, even a smile. Our bodies are intelligent and want to be in radiantly joyful and healthy and will jump on any opportunity to go towards that. Yes, 30 seconds will change your life but like anything else the more you do the faster it will happen. The slower you do things the longer it will take but make no mistake…it will happen.

Take a moment right now to make a commitment to yourself that you choose to think and act in ways that. Take a deep breath and look up from this page and imagine a veil is being pulled back and behind this veil is everything you ever wanted and wanted to be. See it and open your heart and arms to it. Bring that bright ideal vision into your energy field; this will put you in vibration with what you want. Once you have a clear vision of your ideal self make the commitment that you will do everything you can to keep yourself in alignment to be that person. So, whether you make a private commitment or state your intention to the world, do it because it will help. Learn more about the law of attraction.

Yes, I falter every now and then and boy do I feel the difference and that in itself motivates me to get back into my routine. Two of the things I commit to everyday are Meditation and Eden Energy Medicine. I can’t stress enough that consistency is the key to making any real change and starting with small steps is fantastic. Just make sure you do one thing a day, no matter how short the time may be, sometimes I only do 10 minutes a day but that 10 minutes makes a difference. Not only because a positive habit pattern is being formed through consistency but also when you stop you’ll be surprised at how bad it feels slipping into that old negative pattern. Because you will now have an experience with positive habit patterns you will also have a deeper awareness of how off the negatives ones feel. If you can stay tuned into these feelings it becomes a great natural reminder. We all need reminders.

Let go of Stress
Taking inspiration from the classic syfy movie Dune I’ll say this “Stress is the mind killer”. It can be an obstacle to any positive shift, so let me share a motto of sorts – “Dance with your day.” When I was staying with the Shuar Tribe in Ecuador there was an American man who told us he was having a problem with stress. He was on “the path” and did his meditation and was a positive-thinking kind of guy. He told us about he walked to work having every intention of greeting everything in his day with love and joy but then reality hit him as soon as he stepped foot into his office. The phones ringing, everyone pulling him in different directions…and he would looses his intention and become frustrated and unhappy. The shaman, who had been listening to this story with us, told him one thing, “Dance with your day.” How beautifully simple. Don’t take things head on, go with the flow, be the reed. When you dance with someone, you are not in opposition to them but moving together. Try approaching your day and interactions with this in mind.

Walk in your Power
Don’t give your power away by depending on others to give you what you need – take back your power and give yourself what you want and need. And don’t listen to everyone’s opinion on what it is you actually want in order to have happiness because you’re the only one who can define that. Current society values, the rules of what defines someone as successful are old and tired, and wrong. We have shifted into a paradigm that supports self-love, self-care and self-fulfillment as the measurement for health and happiness – it’s just taking a minute to fully catch on but it’s happening.

How to figure all that out? Well I believe there is no one right way. I don’t believe in one strict way of doing things. That said, I don’t think real change can happen without a strong foundation. The best place to start is with your energy – it the foundation of everything. There are so many different practices and techniques. Just take the time to figure out what works for you and don’t let anyone tell you something has to be a certain way, because there are no absolutes. You are your own source. Get in touch with what you want and need and create a system that reflects that. It can be a system, a non-system, even a constantly changing system. We’ve got some ideas you may like in our Self-Care section. As long as you’re in touch with your journey and are supporting it daily, you’re doing fine.

Encourage your energy to root into the earth and open to the heavens…feel how powerful you are and center yourself in that. And, walk barefoot in the grass! Especially in the morning – it’s very grounding, balancing and energizing.

Acknowledge your Interconnectedness
There is no true separation between ourselves, the planet, the universe and everything in it. One of the ways I find it helpful to keep my mind and energy open to everything I want is to really feel and see how interconnected everything is and that translates to everything I want being within my grasp. A recent experience I had, and something I hope you might try on your own, was an animal spirit guide visualization. I set the intent that I wanted to know how I could be happy. I was asked to close my eyes and take some deep breaths allowing my energy sink deep into the earth and to then create a beautiful nature scene, which for me was a forest. After a few minutes of being there and looking around a beautiful white owl appeared. She took me flying up into the cosmos and I could see an infinite number of what I now call “reality bubbles”. Just imagine the starry sky and every star is a different reality and all those stars are connected. My guide first showed me this bleak place and I thought this doesn’t feel good why would she be showing me this bleak reality, I felt a bit trapped and disheartened and wondered was this was my future? After a few minutes she lead me to another reality bubble and this place was radiant with lush nature and sunshine, it felt comforting and I felt safe, open and expansive. The lesson suddenly became very clear. All these different realities exist and are interconnected meaning we can travel easily from one to the other. The reality I was shown first wasn’t great but we easily traveled to another, which was lovely. And just when I thought my lesson was over my owl took me to one last place, a reality where I was my full cosmic self. It was again lush with nature and sunshine but everything here was pure radiance and limitless potential seemed to be shimmering on everything that existed here. The owl grew to my size and spread her wings, surrounding her wings were beautiful radiant colors swirling and shimmering. I took my cue without thought and spread my own arms wide open and could see I too had this colorful radiance around me. I felt the limitlessness of myself and felt my energy reaching out to connect with all the positive things I wanted to be. It felt as if every part of my being was responding with blissful joy. I could see the larger view of how all realities exist simultaneously and I could easily leave one that didn’t make me feel good for one that did. Even though this was all in my mind I could feel it change my energy. It’s a visualization / emotional experience I now connect with all the time if I am feel unhappy or unsure about my life.

Trust your Intuition
Only you know what’s right for you. If I or someone else makes a suggestion and it feels right to you, do it, but don’t let yourself be swayed if it doesn’t feel right. We are all intuitive beings and a good way to honor our internal wisdom is to actually listen to it. From an evolutionary point of view, we had to develop this skill as a matter of survival. For example, prehistoric women and men had to protect themselves and their families by using intuition to sense impending danger.

In today’s world intuition plays the same key role in survival for people in dangerous situations, but extreme situations aside, intuition is a valuable skill for day-to-day living. We all do it on some level: you walk into a room and it feels off; you meet someone and instantly feel connected or you just have a sense of what’s going on. These are just a few examples of your intuition communicating energetic information to you and it’s your job to listen. Your intuition is the best psychic advisor you’ll ever have because no one knows what’s best for you except you. Every one of us is on a unique life journey, a unique path that will bring you health and happiness. What’s right for me may not be right for you, find what works for you and go for it. You can do it.

It’s your innate right to be healthy and happy. You are so much bigger than your physical body, so much larger than this physical life and you have limitless possibilities for who you can and will be. Believe this and will be true.