A New You

We want you to see your beauty – You are beautiful and deserve to feel that way. Sometimes in order to really see our own beauty and worth we need to release old stories and wounds.

Close your eyes, take deep slow breadths in your nose and out your mouth and turn your attention inward. In your mind’s eye see yourself standing in love…feel it washing through you…you feel safe…and you easily float deeper inside yourself, down through the layers to the core of every cell that holds old emotions…specifics don’t matter, just feel your emotions for what they are, hold them…honor them…and release them. As you easily let go of the old you have opened to letting love and light flow through you…see pink and gold energy flowing through your body, filling you with love and washing away anything you don’t need. Invite universal radiance into your being with an open heart. Every part of you is new and unburdened. You are beauty. Breathe that in.