Meditation stone


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Limited Edition!
This very special amethyst meditation crystal has been infused with a focused intention to create a field of serenity and love. It will keep your energy aligned with a calm mind/body state that you then take with you through your day.

It has been specifically designed to fit comfortably in your hand. Hold it during meditation to help you find a deep meditative state. You can set a specific intention for the day as well and then carry your crystal with you and it will help keep you in vibration with your intentions all day long.

Jack Bornstein, my father, developed this Meditation Crystal. He has been meditating for over 40 years, with a deep daily practice. See meditation and his video is coming soon.

Uses and benefits:
1. Rids negativity and protects you from it
2. Helps you manifest your dreams
3. Increases your energy
4. Promotes a sense of calm that allows for a great nights sleep
5. Increases circulation
6. Increases positive energy
7. Emotionally calming
8. Increase intuitive abilities
9. Increases spiritual growth
10. Increases focus and mental abilities
11. Decreases fear, stress and anxiety
12. In the bedroom it promotes a great night sleep with great positive dreams
13. Generates a healing vibration

I humbly ask you to only buy my crystals with love and gratitude in your heart towards mother earth. These crystals are a healing gift from earth and will work for you in a much deeper way if you use them with respect as a sentient life-force, which they are. Thank you very much!

Learn more about Crystals.

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