Red/Root Chakra

red-rootThe frequency of the color red matches our 1st, or root, chakra, located at the base of the spinal column. It is our physical body, the body most closely related to earth.

Our survival instincts are found here.

When this center is open and aligned you feel healthy and connected with your body. When you are drawn to red, one of two things is usually happening. First, you might need to re-evaluate your personality traits in relation to your “tribe” – meaning your family and/or your immediate community.

This re-evaluation is important because through your tribe you can pick up a lot of traits that aren’t really your own and that you may not particularly like or want. The second might be the need to overcome fear, especially fear of the future and/or death. Use the red energy to support you through these two processes and you will move through them with strength.


Imagine there is a cord that leads from the base of your spine down into the center of the earth. The cord wraps around a giant crystal that feeds this center strength and safety from the earth. Then, imagine your ideal self and feel that truth flow through you. You feel strong and sexy. Breathe it in.

Affirmation: We are one.

Physical Benefits:

  • Strengthens physical energy
  • Helps alleviate cold symptoms
  • Influences reproductive systems
  • Aids the circulatory system
  • Helps anemia, bronchitis, constipation and listlessness

Metaphysical Benefits:

  • Awakens our life force or Kundalini
  • Stimulates deep passions such as love, sex & hate
  • Eases fears
  • Strengthens our will & courage
  • Tied to life-promoting consciousness